Developing Ansible modules for Foreman and Katello
2020-02-04, 14:50–15:40, B.2.015

The Foreman community maintains a collection of over 40 Ansible modules for interaction with the Foreman API and the various plugin APIs. This all started with two modules in ansible/ansible in 2016 and escalated from there.

Today we want to show how development of our modules works:
1. setting up a test environment (Foreman/Katello VM)
2. preparing a development environment (Python virtualenv with Ansible and dependencies)
3. understanding and adjusting the test playbooks
4. recording test fixtures (it's 2020 and we still ♥ VCR)
5. extending and fixing existing modules
6. writing completely new modules

Debian Developer, Red Hat Engineer, ♥ automation

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